Check out this video showcasing the large scale mixed media panels we created for Bonnie and Clyde in 2022.
Gold Coast was created by Bonnie and Clyde as a site-specific piece for the Paradise Green restaurant in London
The basis for the work is four 2.5x1m panels. These were carefully primed and sanded before having the image printed on the prepared surface by the flatbed printer. These then had a silkscreen gloss applied to some areas. The panels were probably one of the biggest things we have had on the silkscreen press.
Elements to go on the panels were then hand painted or gold leafed, and a small box to look like a speaker was printed and constructed. Other elements were printed on canvas and then embellished by Bonnie and Clyde. Black glitter fabric and mirror strips were also added.
A small piece of aluminium was also printed on.
Finally, the whole piece was assembled on the wall at the Paradise Green restaurant.